World Mental Health Day – Thursday 10 October

“…poor mental health across the UK workforce can now be costing employers around £51 billion annually” Deloitte – Mental health and employers May 2024
Thursday 10 October is World Mental Health Day (WMHD)
This year’s theme set by the World Federation of Mental Health is ‘It is Time to Prioritise Mental Health in the Workplace’.
It “provides us with an opportunity to re-kindle our efforts to promote global citizenship and mental health awareness by making our workplaces a healthier place, especially as 60% of the global population is in employment and employees spend 60% of their time in the workplace”.
At Manchester Mind we advocate for mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, for the benefit of people, organisations, and communities. We do this through awareness raising, sharing self-care tips and information and we offer workplace training courses.
“New data suggests that for almost 70% of people, their manager has more impact on their mental health than their therapist or their doctor—and it’s equal to the impact of their partner.” Forbes
This World Mental Health Day we are inviting everyone to challenge attitudes and approaches to workplace wellbeing. Here at Manchester Mind we offer a range of training courses for managers and employees, which aim to eliminate stigma and improve understanding of mental health, enabling cultural change.
Here are some ways you can support yourself and others around you:
- Self-care – Visit our Wellbeing Hub to access our downloadable self-care checklist, and find wellbeing tips and advice
- Stress and burnout – visit our World Mental Health Day landing page to learn more about workplace wellbeing, the stages of burnout and access our stress-relieving tips
- Free Resilience Training – If you live in Manchester you can sign up to one of our free courses, including Mindfulness and Relaxation for Menopause and Mums Matter.
- Champion workplace wellbeing – our courses help you build your knowledge, confidence and awareness about mental health to support yourself and your colleagues.
- Share – check out National Mind’s campaign “No Mind Left Behind”. Find out more and download Mind’s World Mental Health Day materials.
- Reach out – if you are worried about someone, but you are not sure how to start the conversation, we have some guidance that may help
- If you live in Manchester and are struggling or feeling like you need some help you can find out more about our services here.
- Need to talk to someone confidentially? Call national Mind on 0300 123 3393 or access other immediate help
We would love to hear what you are doing for World Mental Health Day, so please let us know by tagging us on social media: