Manchester Mind

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Volunteers’ Week 2024: Thank You!

Volunteers outing

We believe everyone has value and something to offer. This Volunteers’ Week we would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all our fantastic volunteers! Our team of amazing volunteers help us to deliver our services, allowing everyone to feel heard, valued and understood.

This year we celebrate 40 years of Volunteers’ Week. Volunteers are vital to our services in many ways. We have had volunteers helping us since we were originally founded in 1989 as Hulme Action Research Project (HARP). Their support is invaluable. During 2022/23 there were an amazing 97 volunteers involved with Manchester Mind, equalling a staggering 1,885 volunteer hours of support to our services, including Food For All, advice and our peer support groups. Plus another 86 volunteers helping us with fundraising.

Our volunteers embody our values of openness, belonging, strength and collaboration. So, from everyone here at Manchester Mind we want to say a massive thank you for the continued support of our volunteers, you are so appreciated!

We are also proud to be an Investing in Volunteers (IiV) achiever, having been awarded the quality mark in 2022/23 for the first time. Manchester Mind was assessed against six quality areas and proved to excel in all aspects of working with our volunteers.

If you would like to find out more about our current volunteer roles and how to apply please see our volunteering section here.

Manchester Mind is proud to be an Investing in Volunteers (IiV) achiever


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