We need your help – Emergency Food Response

For full information about our Emergency Food Response please see our dedicated web pages.
Recognising that poor mental health, loneliness and lack of access to healthy food are intertwined, within days of the lockdown our Good Mood Food team joined forces with staff from Food For All; to respond to the crisis to do what they do best, cooking and delivering the same exceptionally high quality, healthy and nutritionally balanced meals.
They have been turning food donations from Fareshare into hundreds of home-cooked meals, on average producing over 1600 meals per week for Manchester City Council’s community hub, Maverick Stars Trust (for young people who would normally receive school lunches), and Just Life.

You donations can help us buy
– £3 will buy 2kg of lentils for 30 portions of Dhal
– £5 will supply enough pasta to make 50 meals
– £10 will deliver two fresh fruit and veg boxes to someone in need at home
– £20 will provide two family bags of fruit, veg, pasta, rice and condiments
– £50 will purchase 1,250 food containers to serve prepared meals in
– £100 will provide 10 boxes of emergency provisions, tailored to individual needs
– £250 will ensure we have ongoing stock of PPE to prepare and deliver food safety
– £500 will fuel and maintain three delivery vehicles