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Mums Matter: Online Peer Support Group

Smiling mother and baby

…Because being a Mum is hard enough.

Our online peer support group is open to all Manchester mums with at least one child under 2.

This supportive space will enable you to meet other mums across the city with children a similar age to share the challenges and celebrate the successes of early motherhood together.

Each session we will look at a different wellbeing tool or technique and talk about how you can incorporate it into your life as a busy mum. There will also be space for connection and conversation.

Sessions last 2 hours and have been designed to be flexible around naptimes, but of course, babies and toddlers are welcome in the background.

To find out more please contact Charli Headley:
07592 376720
[email protected] 

Find out more about our Mums Matter courses.


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