Clara’s Story: Part Two

A lifelong dream of mine is to go on to become a doctor. At times this has felt so unobtainable, but I knew that I had to try as I didn’t want to regret not going for it. I recently made the decision to leave my role as Welfare Rights Worker at Manchester Mind and apply to medical school. Some of the medical schools require work experience, so I have take on a support worker role in the NHS working in the community. As well as this I returned to one of the wards at Laureate House where the consultant kindly allowed me to shadow herself and the junior doctors for a week, which was incredible. This week I have started the training for my new job, which I am loving.
Last week I graduated from my Master’s degree in Social Policy passing with merit. This has given me great insight into the history of the welfare state and has linked what I was doing at Manchester Mind with my future career in the NHS.
In the coming weeks, I have to sit two separate entrance exams for the universities where I will apply to study medicine. Petrified does not even begin to describe how I’m feeling, but I understand that it is part of the process to get into medical school and so far I have managed to push through the at times overwhelming anxiety and thoughts that I’m just not good enough. I keep having to ground myself and reinforce the idea that places at medical school are hard to get, but I have as much of a chance as anyone else at getting one.
Another milestone that I am so proud to say that I have reached is being discharged from secondary care mental health services and back to the care of my GP. I am still on medication, which I believe is keeping me stable and have wonderful support from my GP and those around me. It’s fair to say that it is possible to follow a journey of recovery. It might not always be easy and it may take time, but you will get there. And don’t forget to follow your dreams!
Read more about Clara’s incredible journey from patient to volunteer, to welfare rights worker.