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Angela’s Story: Squash, Wildlife and MUD!

Photo of the allotment

My favourite outdoor space in lockdown has been Platts Field Park.

I have found it really helpful walking around the lake in particular – there are a lot of birds to see including heron, Canada geese, and swans. Watching the actions of wildlife, people and their dogs, and children always takes me out of myself.

Platts Field Park is also home to MUD (Manchester Urban Diggers) who run a community gardens programme – it’s been lovely to watch the seasonal changes in the vegetable gardens they cultivate. I walked by one grey day (in November) and they were giving away free squash which they had grown onsite.

I took one away which was like a big ball of sunshine and made some delicious squash and ginger soup with it.

I’ve also enjoyed seeing the spring flowers come up – crocus and daffodils.

Angela, Support Time and Recovery Worker

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