“Manchester Mind with its values has offered people a sense of belonging and been able to step in and give support at crucial moments.”
This ornament represents the journey made by many of Manchester Mind’s clients from Kenya and Africa, before they reached the shores of Manchester Mind. I have had several clients who themselves or family have originated from Kenya. Indeed there are many connections between Manchester and Kenya, with political leaders having been educated at Manchester University to then return to Africa. Some clients with mental health issues have, with the support of Manchester Mind, been able to return home for a visit after many years of absence. This has enabled them to re-establish family ties, remember the reasons why they felt they had to leave and start a new life, thus giving them the motivation to move forward. Many of the families I have met from Kenya, had actually settled there after having migrated from Somalia, Yemen, and India, reminding me of the global world within which we all live.
One family with whom I worked, had lost 3 brothers at sea in one incident, 30 years ago on the journey from Gujarat to Africa.
Many people have come from war torn areas of the world to find peace and security. Their journeys have not been as they expected, and aspirations have grown or fallen. Manchester Mind with its values has offered people a sense of belonging and been able to step in and give support at crucial moments. This particular ornament was given to me and I will always remember the holiday photos of the person’s child, with expression of delight, on a pristine beach in Kenya.