Manchester Mind

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Time to Act: World Mental Health Day

Mind WMHD campaign with images of people

More and more of us are aware of mental health. But so many of us aren’t getting the right support. We’re still facing stigma and discrimination. And the cost of living crisis is only making it harder to look after our mental health.

That’s why it’s clear – awareness is just the start. Now it’s time to act.

Manchester Mind is an independent charity but we are proud to be a part of the Mind family. So, we’re supporting national Mind’s campaign to turn mental health awareness into action.

That could be signing Mind’s Raise the Standard petition. It could be volunteering or fundraising for Manchester Mind. Or it could be you taking the first step to support your own or someone else’s mental health. There are so many different ways to take action this October.

Big or small, whatever you do you’ll be joining the fight for mental health. Your actions will help to make a real difference.

Join the fight

Awareness is just the start. It’s time to act. What will you do this World Mental Health Day?

Get inspired by our ideas of how to support yourselves or others around you

We would love to hear what you are doing for World Mental Health Day, so please let us know by tagging us on social media:


Use #WMHD #WorldMentalHealthDay2023 #TimeToAct

Help us create a space where mental health comes first

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